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Weight Plates

What are your Weights options?

Weight Pairs and Packs

Weight Set Savings

Barbell Weight Sets

Specialty Bar Weight Sets

Fixed Weight Dumbbells

Weight Storage Solution

Learn More About Weight Sets

Weight plates come in two main types: metal and rubber coated. Iron plates are more durable and deliver the distinctive sound and feel, while the rubber coated plates are preferred by some lifters that want to be able to drop weights from height or prefer the color coded plates in their home gym.

We're obviously biased, but for us nothing beats the classic look, feel, and sound of Barbell Standard iron plates.

Iron plates are great if you plan to do bench, squat, press, and similar core bar exercises. They'll work for everything you plan to do as long as you don't plan on dropping weight on the floor from a height.

Beginners can start with a 90 pound weight set to set a great foundation.

Anyone planning to do the heaviest lifts (like squat and deadlift) can start with the 180 pound set, which adds a pair of 45s to the 90 pound set.

Experienced lifters and anyone over 200 pounds will be well suited starting with the 250 pound set. Another option is picking up the 270 pound set and adding individual 2.5s and 5s as needed.

Our 40 pound weight set and 90 pound weight set are great options for adding more small plates to the gym to make changing between exercises and/or bars quicker and a more enjoyable experience.

Our Dumbbell + 70 Pound Weight Set and Curl Bar + 90 pound Weight Set are great first options for your home gym.

The dumbbell set gives you plenty of room to grow with the option of up to two 40 dumbbells or up to one 70 pound dumbbell. You can also take your time working up starting with 10 pounds per bar (weighs a bit more than a gallon of milk) and adding 2.5 pounds per side as you progress.

The curl bar weighs 20 pounds and with the included 90 pound weight set you can go up to 110 pounds in 5 pound increments.

What's the difference between Olympic and Standard plates?

With the world of shipping what it is, it's hard enough just to find a company that's willing to ship a 100 pound package. Getting a pair of them delivered at a reasonable price is next to impossible.

The main reasons for weight plates prices are the cost of the raw goods (like iron), the cost of manufacturing, and the cost of transportation (especially fuel).

Bottom line - weight plates are expensive because they're heavy.

Our 45, 35, and 25 pound plates are 1.4" thick. The 10 pound plates are 7/8", the 5 pound plates are 5/8", and the 2.5's are just under 1/2" thick.

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Weight Plates Reviews

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
Based on 412 reviews
Total 5 star reviews: 386 Total 4 star reviews: 21 Total 3 star reviews: 5 Total 2 star reviews: 0 Total 1 star reviews: 0
99%would recommend these products
412 reviews
  • AK
    Andrew K.
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    Olympic Weight Plates
    Olympic Weight Plates
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Best Deal Around

    For the price this is the best deal around. I got 4 pairs of 45’s and then pairs of 25’s 10’s 5’s 2.5’s all delivered for less than $700. Would be at least a few hundred more if ordering from Rogue or Rep. They fit great on my rogue power bar so I’m sure they will fit on any Olympic sized barbell. I did not weigh them because honestly I don’t care enough too. I’m in my 30’s not competing in any competitions just trying to stay strong and keep the beer belly at bay for as long as possible. If you’ve got cash to burn then sure there might be nicer plates out there but if you’re reading this review then you’re probably looking for value so just go ahead and pull the trigger on these.

  • KA
    Kara A. A.
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    Olympic Weight Plates
    Olympic Weight Plates
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Prompt resolution

    We had a positive experience with Barbell Standard. I ordered the wrong weight set, emailed them immediately, and they quickly corrected my order. The correct items were sent to my house quickly, despite the change in my order, and my husband has been very happy with them. They were packed effectively to protect them in transit despite the weight, and we have no complaints. They are what we expected!

  • BM
    Beth M.
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    Olympic Weight Plates
    Olympic Weight Plates
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Great deal, very happy.

    Love these. I bought the 180 lb weight set. Quick shipping, well-packaged, items arrived in perfect condition, and seems like a great deal for a full set of weight plates. Very happy customer.

  • EM
    Eric M.
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    Olympic Weight Plates
    Olympic Weight Plates
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Great deals!

    This is my second time ordering from Barbell Standard. Both times I got great deals. I am very picky about my plates matching so that was important for me. They weigh what they are supposed to and have a nice clean look. And the free shipping!

  • GE
    Garrett E.
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    Olympic Weight Plates
    Olympic Weight Plates
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    From scratch to success

    One of my plates arrived badly scratched but received another one just right days later! I am very happy with the service and the consistency of the plates as these are my second pair of 35's. Barbell, you did it again!!!😊😊😊

  • PA
    Patrick A.
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    Olympic Weight Plates
    Olympic Weight Plates
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    My only source for weight plates

    Professional, efficient, love this business, wish every purchase contact was like my experience here. I purchased plates elsewhere and the quality of the casting, finish and lettering were like night and day. No future plate purchases happening anywhere else.

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